Smart Attachment for Jira: how to get files with v... 您所在的位置:网站首页 Smart Attachments for Jira Atlassian Marketplace Smart Attachment for Jira: how to get files with v...

Smart Attachment for Jira: how to get files with v...

2024-06-01 18:48| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


I have a groovy script which finds attached files in the issue by category and uploads them to different folders on SharePoint.

We're using method getAttachments from package com.stiltsoft.jira.attachcategory.facade.entity.issue to get the files from an each category:

attachmentCategories.getCategories().each { category ->List attachments = category.getAttachments(false);


but seems like the method does not work if the file has versions: in this case the method returns empty list.

Is there a way to get attachments, that have versions? I do not need all the versions, it is enough to get the last one.







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